Our blog

Dive into our Blogosphere! Uncover a galaxy of workplace wisdom, productivity power-ups, and innovative insights. Our blog articles are your launchpad to staying informed and inspired in the ever-evolving work landscape.

Productivity Paradox: When Hybrid Work Hurts the Bottom Line

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, hybrid work models promised to revolutionise the way we work—but for many companies, the reality has been far from the ideal. As businesses grapple with the new normal, it’s becoming clear that not all hybrid work arrangements are created equal.

Dr Amantha Imber • 28 June 2024

Future of Work Whitepaper

Employees and leaders are the heart and soul of every organisation. They will influence customers, business growth and achievement towards a compelling mission. Their level of impact cannot be taken for granted – engaged employees are 14% more productive (that’s equivalent to 86 extra minutes each day!) and absenteeism reduces…

Charlotte Rush • 20 May 2024

How Inventium designs its team offsites. A behind-the-scenes look.

The last few months of 2023 were rocky for my team at Inventium. We had numerous team changes (including our wonderful CEO Mish Le Poidevin leaving after a decade with Inventium), we were navigating a tough economic environment, and we had restructured ourselves (self-inflicted, but still challenging).

Amantha Imber • 26 February 2024

Signs Your Company Isn’t Ready for a Four-Day Work Week

Medibank is the latest (and one of the largest) organisation to commit to a four-day week trial. With each organisation that puts their hand up to experiment with this new way of work, I give a little cheer…

Charlotte Rush • 1 February 2024

4 Lessons to Elevate Teams from Meh to Marvellous

It is bittersweet to be writing my first and final contribution to ‘Rise and Thrive’ as my Inventium journey comes to an end this calendar year. It has felt like a lifetime – filled with fond memories, incredible people and countless learnings. I’ve managed to do literally every…

Michelle Le Poidevin • 6 December 2023

Spotlight on Disruptive Innovation at SA Water

When we think disruptive innovation, we often think about start-ups sticking close to customers and taking over from their much larger competitors. Nimble, adaptable, lean, hedge fund investors, all spring to mind. What doesn’t come to mind, is government organisations. The world of disruption has often talked about how disruption…

Sasha D'Arcy • 28 November 2023

In the spotlight with Inclusee

Imagine it’s your usual Saturday evening. Except you live on an isolated property in Toowoomba and you’re 72 years old. Your kids moved to the UK and Canada many years ago chasing their hopes and dreams. You’re happy for them but you wished they called more often. Especially…

Evelina Bereni • 1 October 2023

How to find your ultimate dream job in 5 easy steps

A dream job isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. We need a level of stress to perform under pressure, sharpen our focus and give us a sense of meaning. So if you think your dream job is a cooshy one, think again.

Evelina Bereni • 27 September 2023

Overcome fear of experimentation to unleash your innovation.

Experimentation was originally a tool used by start-ups and large tech companies to test their ideas quickly and leanly. But it hasn’t taken long for others to see the benefits, and it is now being used by all sorts of companies to test ideas in high levels of…

Zoe Aitken • 3 August 2023