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How to avoid being a turkey this year

With Christmas done and dusted for another year, I want to share a suitably festive story (that has an important lesson) with you. I’ve paraphrased a story from Nassim Taleb’s book Antifragile – a book I have been recommending to anyone who will listen for the…

Nick Johnston • 19 January 2018

Seven books that have changed my life

I read a LOT of books. I am also known to frequently give people book recommendations (whether they want them or not). In my opinion, books are the most cost-effective way to get a significant improvement in anything, really. Sadly, reading tends to fall way down on people’s priority lists…

Dr. Amantha Imber • 22 December 2017

Three signs that your organisation is killing innovation

Innovation is a word at the tip of almost every CEO’s lips. However, despite the best of intentions, many organisations are killing innovation. There are several issues that these organisations have in common.   Leaders don’t walk the talk While the majority of CEOs and their leadership teams talk…

Dr. Amantha Imber • 22 December 2017

For the best innovation, get out and experiment

I’ve just realised that everything I thought I ever knew about Market Research, when it comes to testing innovation, was either flawed or is fast becoming redundant. If, like me, you have employed traditional market research approaches (i.e. concept tests, market simulation tests, focus groups, etc) to evaluate and validate…

Zoe Aitken • 22 December 2017

An exclusive peek into one of Australia’s most wanted innovation labs

Chances are that if you have innovation in your job title or are responsible for the innovation program at your organisation, you have considered creating your very own innovation lab. Whether you are still on the fence, or fully converted, it can be difficult to know where to prioritise your…

Charlotte Rush • 24 November 2017

How to talk innovation like the best

At Inventium, we are in the privileged position of being the methodology partner for the Australian Financial Review’s Most Innovative Companies list. This means we get insight into what helps Australia and New Zealand’s most innovative organisations drive innovation. Data from this year’s AFR Most Innovative Companies List shows that…

Nick Johnston • 19 September 2017

Innovation Opportunities: Why all of the focus groups in the world will never cut it

I work in the business of light bulb moments. As an Inventiologist at Inventium, I have the privilege of educating professionals about the theories and scientific principles that underlie best-practice innovation. One of my favourite parts of this role is seeing those big, light bulb ‘Aha!’ moments that occur when…

Charlotte Rush • 13 September 2017

How to ensure powerful disruptive innovation makes the cut

Disruptive ideas are like an 80’s aerobic class. You know it’s good for you, but it would be so much easier to avoid all that spandex and stay on the couch. When choosing which ideas to progress, organisations often take the easy way out. This can be because incremental innovations…

Judy Anderson • 31 July 2017

Are you effective or efficient?

A few weeks ago, Inventium was lucky enough to host Dom Price, Head of R&D and Work Futurist at Atlasssian. We learned a lot from Dom, but one area of discussion which really stood out was the notion of efficient vs. effective operations. When you think of an efficient business,…

Charlotte Rush • 14 June 2017