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Psychosocial Hazards in the Workplace

Understanding and Tackling Psychosocial Hazards at Work We are entering a new era of workplace safety. We’re not just talking about hard hats and safety boots, but also about addressing psychosocial hazards at work. But what are psychosocial hazards and why should you, as a business, care? What…

Inventium Team • 31 May 2023

Maximising customer engagement with innovation: the essential Do’s and Don’ts

One of my friends had a new business idea. So, they leveraged their friendship network (including me) to learn more about their customers. I was eager to help. Why? They were my friend (tick), they were speaking to customers (tick), and they were keeping things lean by leveraging…

Zoe Aitken • 17 May 2023

3 reasons why your innovation efforts are failing

Innovation programs are often unsuccessful. Even though the intent is there, many organisations have unrealistic expectations about what is required to become truly innovation centric. Often, the initial impetus is driven by the leadership team, who have identified innovation as a key strategic pillar or organisational value. And…

Zoe Aitken • 8 May 2023

Unleashing True Customer-Led Innovation: Going Beyond the Data

Most organisations are not short of data. In fact, many have data coming out their ears. Sales data, Net Promoter Score data, employee engagement data, purchasing behaviour data, customer segmentation data, brand health data …the list goes on. Yet don’t be fooled; the volume of data does not…

Zoe Aitken • 15 March 2023

Why you need to add singing to your daily routine (even if you don’t think you’re that good).

Before I dove into my work today I had an urge to burst into song (not unlike me), so I recorded a cover of All By Myself. It had been running through my head all morning, which is weird because it’s very hard…

Evelina Bereni • 9 March 2023

How to hack your habits for hybrid work

It was Thursday, and I was dreading the spanish speaking date I had scheduled with my Peruvian neighbour. I’d been learning spanish for six months and despite willingly booking this date in, I found myself considering excuses that ranged from good old fashioned (“My dog ate my notes”)…

Charlotte Rush • 9 March 2023

The power of subtraction – Why less is more

I recently listened to a great conversation between Professor Gabrielle Adams and behavioural economist Katy Milkman about the power of subtraction. Subtraction is the act of removing something. More specifically in psychology, subtraction can refer to the act of intentionally removing something from our lives, such as a habit,…

Sasha D'Arcy • 8 March 2023

Motivation waning? How to take advantage of the ‘fresh start effect’

I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news, but the holiday season is officially over. Schools are back (no bad news there), the Christmas decorations have long been put away, and we’re doing our best to get back into a workday routine that doesn’t involve lounging around in…

Zoe Aitken • 12 February 2023

How to build a culture of feedback in your hybrid team

Feedback is rarely something that comes easy. Unfortunately, whether your team is working in the office or at home, giving constructive feedback is challenging and often avoided, and positive feedback is infrequent or ineffective. On top of this, observing your team’s performance – how they managed that tough…

Charlotte Rush • 25 January 2023