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5 reasons why your ideas are completely missing the mark

It’s easy to launch mediocre ideas. And it’s even easier to launch terrible ideas. Yet how does this happen? How do we get to the point where we launch ideas that completely miss the mark with our customers? Here are five reasons that help explain why we might persist…

Zoe Aitken • 25 January 2023

Working with people who tend to be in the office at the same time as you is harming your performance. Here’s why.

Time and time again I hear, “It just feels better” to connect with people in person. There’s something that makes collaborating with a group of people in the same physical room more enjoyable (and I don’t think it’s the free fizzy water). But we all know that plenty of things…

Charlotte Rush • 9 November 2022

To office? Or not to office?

That was the next question on Hamlet’s lips. Here in Victoria, many of us are back at the office following a very tumultuous two years of making our kitchen tables the new conference room. Some organisations have mandated set days in the office, others have said come and go as…

Sasha D'Arcy • 9 November 2022

Your hybrid workshops might suck. Here’s how to fix them.

Ok ok, we get it. Hybrid-work is the way of the future. Most organisations have some version of a flexible work policy now. Some have even taken the plunge into 4-day work weeks and meeting-free days. What doesn’t seem to be improving though is the approach to running hybrid workshops. Those…

Evelina Bereni • 9 November 2022

When was the last time you had only one priority?

How to help your teams free up mental slack  and focus on what’s important at work   “…when ‘priority’ came into the English language in the 1400s, it was singular. What did it mean? The very first thing – before all other things. By definition, you cannot have more than…

Sasha D'Arcy • 9 November 2022

3 things you need to know about innovation (but probably don’t want to hear)

Innovation programs are often unsuccessful (Boom! Home truth number one straight off the bat, and it’s not even one of the top three). Even though the intent is there, many organisations have unrealistic expectations of what’s required to become truly innovation centric. Often, the initial impetus is driven by the…

Zoe Aitken • 9 November 2022

Six ways to get better quality data from your customer research

Reading research is one of the highlights of my week #nerdalert. This morning I read some great literature packed full of neuroscience and innovation insights that I’m compelled to share. Thanks to Paul J. Zac – Professor of Economic Sciences, Psychology and Management at Clarmont Graduate University for these practical…

Evelina Bereni • 9 November 2022

It’s time to create a To Don’t list

To-do lists are considered very sexy in productivity circles (I personally find them incredibly attractive). But have you ever thought about writing a list of things that you don’t want to do? Rachel Botsman is a world-renowned expert on trust and technology and a Trust Fellow at Oxford University. Prior to the…

Dr. Amantha Imber • 9 November 2022

4 ways to free up time for innovation

“I don’t have time to innovate” is one of the most common frustrations that we hear from leaders when it comes to driving innovation. A 2020 Harvard Business School study confirmed that the pandemic has wreaked havoc on our time. We are now working longer hours, receiving, and sending more emails…

Zoe Aitken • 18 July 2022