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Celebrate diversity to unlock growth
It took me years to reconcile that Mardi Gras was not a representation of me as a gay man. Rather, it was a celebration of diversity. Likewise, in my professional life, I have realised that diversity in the workplace is more than sexuality, gender, race and ethnicity. Those are traits…
Joey Calandra • 21 May 2020

How to make virtual meetings not suck
This week, my roommate had a shower while she was on mute in a meeting. I kid you not. And the other day, I moved to four different locations in my apartment block to avoid intrusive apartment renovations while on a video call with my team in an effort to…
Charlotte Rush • 30 April 2020

How to encourage experimentation in your organisation
If you are anything like the rest of the business world, your strategy centres on a growth target. Regardless of the metric – revenue, impact, satisfaction – chances are you are planning to grow it into the future. But like your industry colleagues, I’ll bet that working on growth is…
Nick Johnston • 7 April 2020

What Greta Thunberg and a San Franciscan soap-manufacturer can teach us about igniting change
Often it is not enough to simply tell people the rational reasons why we should change. A more effective approach is to create an experience, something that is meaningful and memorable, that evokes an emotional response. Since launching an environmental campaign in 2018, Greta Thunberg has…
Charlotte Rush • 1 April 2020

5 lessons from Silicon Valley’s most innovative companies
Inventium’s 2020 Silicon Valley Tour is on again and is now open for applications. The tour is jam-packed with insights around ways to turbo-charge your innovation efforts. It’s perfect for anyone just starting out on their innovation journey or looking for inspiration to ignite their innovation and growth efforts. I…
Joey Calandra • 30 March 2020

14 Days of Innovation
I always find it liberating to think that a new year is often a chance for us to set and achieve some really inspirational goals. Perhaps it is a side effect of the hectic year-end schedule of Christmas functions, demanding work deadlines and the impending forced time with some interesting…
Zoe Aitken • 17 December 2019

In Defence of the Irrational
Our world is obsessed with data and efficiency. We justify what we are doing ‘because it is rational’; logic tells us it ‘should work’ and it’s, therefore, less risky. In most businesses, this means that rational ideas are the only ideas that see the light of day. A rational…
Nick Johnston • 17 December 2019

Assume nothing: How To Boost Your Innovation Success
What do you assume about this article before you have even read it? That it is going to be full of useful concepts? That it will be amusing? Or a waste of time? Our assumptions drive our world. They set our expectations about how we imagine the world will behave…
Martine Barrie • 17 December 2019

Do your employees have a voice? If not, your innovation is at risk
For your organisation to grow and stay relevant, innovation is crucial. And an important requirement for innovation is creativity, as innovation is the implementation of creative ideas. But for creativity to flourish, you need your employees to speak up, to have a voice, and to share knowledge – which may…
Dr. Linda Sands • 17 December 2019