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Dive into our Blogosphere! Uncover a galaxy of workplace wisdom, productivity power-ups, and innovative insights. Our blog articles are your launchpad to staying informed and inspired in the ever-evolving work landscape.
How to avoid being a turkey this year
With Christmas done and dusted for another year, I want to share a suitably festive story (that has an important lesson) with you. I’ve paraphrased a story from Nassim Taleb’s book Antifragile – a book I have been recommending to anyone who will listen for the…
Nick Johnston • 19 January 2018
Three signs that your organisation is killing innovation
Innovation is a word at the tip of almost every CEO’s lips. However, despite the best of intentions, many organisations are killing innovation. There are several issues that these organisations have in common. Leaders don’t walk the talk While the majority of CEOs and their leadership teams talk…
Dr. Amantha Imber • 22 December 2017
An exclusive peek into one of Australia’s most wanted innovation labs
Chances are that if you have innovation in your job title or are responsible for the innovation program at your organisation, you have considered creating your very own innovation lab. Whether you are still on the fence, or fully converted, it can be difficult to know where to prioritise your…
Charlotte Rush • 24 November 2017
Adopt a ‘power pose’ to boost your creativity
If you have been to one of Inventium’s innovation workshops, you’ll know that one of the first things we do is help get people in the right mindset for creativity and idea generation. One easy, yet perhaps surprising way, to set the scene for creativity is to position your body…
Charlotte Rush • 9 May 2017
Learn a thing or two, while I hang ten
Hi there, I’m Nick Johnston. I’m using my last name because Inventium has recently recruited two Nicks. I’m Melbourne Nick, or tall Nick, or Nick J – enjoy my blog! Recently I have made a sea change; I left the hustle and bustle of the ‘big smoke’ and moved down the Victorian coast. When people…
Nick Johnston • 17 November 2016