How to know if you are ready to enter the Most Innovative Companies lists

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Innovation is a core value
If leaders in your organisation talk a lot about innovation, the Most Innovative Companies is your chance to put your money where your mouth is. Hopefully, your focus on innovation will help you rise to the top of your industry’s most innovative list, but even if your company is not there yet, you’ll receive an Innovation Benchmarking report that will show your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to innovation. You’ll also get recommendations on how you can improve your innovation efforts.
You are keen to see how your organisation stacks up against competitors
2019 marks the first year the Most Innovative Companies competition is creating industry-specific lists. This means that it’s the perfect opportunity to see how your organisation compares against its competitors. If you are keen to benchmark your company’s innovation performance, this is the perfect opportunity to do so.
You have implemented an innovation that made your organisation proud
The Most Innovative Companies list is your chance to show off and get recognition on a national scale. Past winners have attracted dozens of new clients through the awareness the list brought to the great work they were doing. Gaining recognition is also a huge driving of staff engagement, particularly for those who were directly involved in driving innovation at your organisation.
Want to nominate for the AFR BOSS Most Innovative Companies 2019?
To put your hat in the ring, head to Most Innovative Companies.